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The Most Underappreciated Reasons to Consider Hardwood Flooring for Your Denver Home

November 13, 2019

Making the decision to have hardwood floors installed in your Denver home can be an obvious, smart decision to make. Not only will this type of flooring style add to your home’s natural ambiance and interior design, but it can also offer you a wide-range of functionality that may not be obvious or apparent. Many people decide to go for hardwood floors for the style and the way it will complement their interior environment, often forgetting the many ways that hardwood floors can serve you and your family in other ways. For this reason, it’s important to be aware of how these floors can be your best option.

Easy to Clean and Maintain

If you have young children in your home, you may be considering which type of flooring will be best suited for your specific needs. Children are known to prone to spill and damage certain types of flooring, as they tend to be more clumsy and get into more incidents which can wreak havoc on your floors. This is especially true if your Denver home has a plethora of carpet, as children can turn your clean, newly-installed carpet floors into something you’d rather not have guests see.

Thankfully, hardwood floors offer the benefit of being very easy to clean, as they are typically treated with a finish that will not absorb the color or liquid as easily as other types of flooring. As long as a spill is dealt with in a timely manner, hardwood floors can be the perfect way to defend against the worst-case scenario from occurring in your home. They can also allow you to avoid having to bust out your vacuum as often, as a simple sweep and occasional mop should be sufficient to keep your floors looking their best.

Better Air Quality

Although air quality is certainly not something you probably think about when you consider what floors will work best in your home, this is something which hardwood floors can offer. Because they do not have areas where dust and dirt will collect as easily, you can expect your floors to be much better at keeping your home clean and having better air quality than if you had decided to go with carpets instead. 

If you are in the market for hardwood flooring or blinds and want to discuss the options that are right for your home or office, contact Design Craft Blinds and Floors today! We love working directly with our customers to help them decide the option that fits best for their unique situation. Our trained associates are happy to work with you to determine the right choice for your project and we are dedicated to providing the highest quality customer care experience on the market. We are passionate about finding the solution that meets your stylistic needs as well as your budgetary requirements, and we are confident we can comfortably provide both options in one package.