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What to Know About Refinishing Hardwood Flooring for Your Denver Home

November 7, 2018

No matter what the type of flooring you have, over time it will begin to show signs of wear and tear and lose the luster it once had you first installed it. This is certainly true for hardwood floors, as years of use can create a worn, undesirable finish, one that can become unsightly if not addressed. Thankfully, there are options to consider to breathe life back into your floors, providing renewal and restoring them to their previous state. If you have hardwood flooring in Denver that has begun to show significant signs of aging, here is what to be aware of if you are considering having it refinished.

What the Refinishing Process Entails

If your floors are in a state of disrepair or have begun unsightly, it may be a great time to consider having them refinished. This process involves removing the existing finish from the floor and replacing it with a new one. Scratches and other types of damage tend to only affect the finish of the wood and not the wood itself, allowing you to brighten up and restore the look and feel of your floor without needed to fully replace it. 

Refinishing usually involves a process of removing the existing finish. This is typically done by using a sanding machine to remove the finish, sanding the floor down until bare wood is exposed. This will allow you to apply a new coat of finish to your wood, as the wood will be in the right condition for a new coat of finish. It is best to hire a professional for this process, as an untrained person may sand down the floors more than is necessary, complicating the refinishing process. 

When to Refinish

There are definitely times when refinishing your floor is more ideal than others. Typically, you want to have dry conditions in the air to refinish hardwood flooring. Because wood is a porous material, stripping the floor of its finish will expose the wood to allow moisture to enter. If it has rained heavily for the last few days, an excessive level of humidity can do significant damage to your floor, as the wood will absorb the moisture. 

Although this isn’t necessarily an issue that Coloradans often have to worry about, as we tend to have consistently dryer weather conditions, it is worth noting and keeping in mind if you have a refinishing job scheduled. If the weather appears to be overly humid during the period the job is scheduled for, it is strongly advised to reschedule the job for another day.

If you are in the market for hardwood flooring or blinds and want to discuss the options that are right for your home or office, contact Design Craft Blinds and Floors today! We love working directly with our customers to help them decide the option that fits best for their unique situation. Our trained associates are happy to work with you to determine the right choice for your project and we are dedicated to providing the highest quality customer care experience on the market. We are passionate about finding the solution that meets your stylistic needs as well as your budgetary requirements, and we are confident we can comfortably provide both options in one package.Â